TelzeqOffice Features

Available Features
Click to Call Hunt Groups Classes of Service Queues
Call Recording Mailboxes Dial by Name Remote Access
Conferences Page Groups Feature Prefixes Virtual Telephones
Feature Codes Voicemail IVR Menus Times and Dates

  Click to call
Click to call allows you to make a call via the web interface.

You can access your messages via web or telephone.

  Call recording
Calls can be recorded in real time, and then downloaded as .wav files to be listened to.

  Class of service
Classes of service allow you to control which numbers telephones may call. The called number is matched against the prefixes in the class of service, and the longest matching prefix is used. For example, calls to international numbers can be barred except for a single number which is specifically permitted. Alternatively, a single number can be barred if an employee is making unauthorized calls to it.

Conferences allow two or more people to call into the system and talk together.

  Dial by name
Dial by name allows callers to reach a person by entering characters of the name on their telephone keypad.

Feature codes are short numbers used to call a particular telephone, hunt group, etc, from within the system. For example, you can set "123" to forward to a hunt group of all telephones. Feature codes are also used to access features such as voicemail. For example, *1 is often set to allow direct access to voicemail without a password, and *2 asks for a mailbox and password. You may change these assignments; this is useful if your staff are used to the feature codes of a legacy PBX system. Calls to feature codes are not charged. The feature codes that you create affect only users in your own customer, not other customers using the system.

  Feature prefixes
Feature prefixes allow you to modify the behavior of the call by adding a prefix to the called number. The system interprets the prefix, and then strips it off before routing the call.

  Hunt groups
Hunt groups allow more than one destination to ring at once. Within a hunt group, destinations are arranged into levels. All destinations within a level are rung at once. The first destination to answer hears the caller, and the others stop ringing (unlike page groups). If no destinations answer, they stop ringing; all destinations in the next level are rung, and so on.

  IVR Menus
IVR menus present a menu to callers and invite them to press a key. It then forwards them to the destination you set for the key. Destinations can be other IVR menus, allowing multiple levels of menu.

Mailboxes can be owned by a person; if this person has an email address set, an email with an attached .wav or .pdf file is sent for each message saved. It's normal, but not required, to have a mailbox for each telephone. More than one telephone, hunt group, etc, may share a mailbox.

  Page groups
Page groups allow more than one destination to be called at once. All destinations that answer are put into a conference, and can hear the caller. This differs from hunt groups, where only one destination can answer.

  Pickup groups
If a telephone is ringing, other telephones in the same pickup group may call a feature code, by default **, which intercepts the call and brings it to them. Telephones may be in more than one pickup group, and may pick up any ringing telephone in any group they belong to. If more than one such telephone is ringing, which one is picked up is uncertain

Queues allow more callers than available destinations. Callers hear music on hold until a destination is free to take their call.

  Remote access
Remote access allows you to call into the system then make calls out.

  Times and dates
Time groups allow public numbers and feature codes to be routed to different destinations at different times of the day or days of the week.

  Virtual Telephones
Virtual telephones are useful in a hot desk environment. You can have a set of physical telephones, one on each desk. These telephones can have very simple settings and a restrictive class of service to prevent them from calling billable destinations. Then each person who uses the hot desk environment can have a virtual telephone with all their settings, speed dials, and class of service.
When a person walks up to a desk, they log in their virtual telephone on top of the physical telephone. At that point, any calls to their virtual telephone will make the physical telephone ring. When calls are made out from the physical telephone, they are made with the settings of the person's virtual telephone. When the person leaves, they log out and the physical telephone reverts to its own settings.
Multiple virtual telephones can be logged on the same physical telephone. In this case, calls for any of the virtual telephones will make the physical telephone ring. Calls made from the physical telephone will have the settings of the last virtual telephone to log in. If that virtual phone logs out the settings revert to the physical telephones, even though other virtual telephones remain logged in. Re-logging in on one of the other virtual telephones will make its settings take effect.

Great product & service! I researched a lot of companies that offer similar services--their solutions were not as comprehensive, intuitive, or user friendly as Telzeq. I am very happy to be a Telzeq customer.

Joel K., President and CEO
The Grand Doors.
Wow! Just when I think "all this for this one low price!" you add even more! I added tons of features since I signed up, all at no extra charge.

Jim Mikola, President
Smith and McCrorken
This is the best service, by far, I am so "thrilled" and happy, it interconnects our corporate office as well as our branch offices like a breeze. I am so pleased. Customer service, tech support, are all awesome,
I just love it!!!! 5 stars.

Elliot S., Assignment Director
Triboro Realty
Telzeq has really helped us present a professional image while giving our customers a way to receive personal selection assistance. The service has helped us reach more customers, and close the sale.

Joe G., CFO
The Wedding Package

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1(888) 541.3850